Friday, March 9, 2012

Mildly Uncomfortable Night

Nothing to worry about, just couldn't get comfortable flat on my back, multiple trips to the bathroom, Maybe some apprehension, about what I don't know, maybe that I'm doing so well and wondering what is coming next.  I also did take that walk, not far, maybe 2 blocks outside.  I maybe overate just a little at dinner.  Some of the wife's friends brought some stuffed pepper soup over and it tasted so good, I had a second serving, now remember these are small servings to begin with, but it may have been too much.  Seems like I drank more water yesterday and it had to go somewhere.  Again nothing big, maybe just a combination of all of the above.

Here is a picture of our front door, that was decorated by a neighbor, Welcoming us Home from the Hospital.

We are so blessed with friends and family that mean so much.  I'm going to go slower today.

I'll talk to you over the week end. Thanks for all your prayers.  God Bless, Captain

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear you're doing so wonderfully!! Just to let you know, if you are on oxyodone that is where your mind goes. I'm back on it after my procedure on Monday and I phase out for about an hour every time I take it. Take 2 and I sleep for a couple of hours. I finally found a comfortable place to sit in my living room so hopefully I won't have to take them much longer.
    Again, wonderful to hear your news. I have been keeping track of you since I'm a month behind!
