Sunday, March 11, 2012

Doing Good

Feeling fine, just fighting restlessness.  I get tired of laying down and I stand of and walk around the house, then I sit down and try to get comfortable and that works for awhile but then I feel like laying down and so it goes, around and round and back and forth.

I'm eating, but very lightly, all body functions are working.  Taking 1 pain pill 2 a day, which is about 1/2 of my allotment ( can take every 6 hours ), just don't feel pain, just uncomfortable.  Drinking plenty of water.  The wife and I have gone on 2 short walks outside the house, walking on my own, no cane, walker or any other device.  Reading and watching sports, guess this is the next 2 big weeks for March Madness.

Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts, God Bless, Captain

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