Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 2 of 1 year training

I know you've been waiting on this update. At 10:30 am it was 80 degrees, so I chose to walk earlier in the day, still in regular clothes, no special running gear at this point. Took along water, very important to stay hydrated, and yes I felt a bead of perspiration on my forehead as I finished the same walk and distance as yesterday. Still just trying to wake those leg and ankle muscles up from their hibernation.

And I must say to all.... After just 1 walk yesterday I did feel more energy later in the day, I know that is hard to believe. It just seems that when you expend energy on any kind of exercise you should feel worn out and more ready to rest, but I must have heard that from a smoking buddy would couldn't see himself exercising in a million years. You will feel energized with exercise of any type.

I now have on my new running shoes, trying to slowly break them in around the house. I like Asics brand the best, but that is just my opinion. They have room in the toe area, and are very cushioned. A few years ago I bought a pair of Saucony and wore them ( walking ) and I could feel a soreness in my lower back ( remember I'm old ). They just tilted my body in a different way, or the strike of my feet with the pavement was different and caused a change in my gait. I was able to take them back and exchange them for another pair of Asics.

If you are new to walking and or running I would say spend the money and go to a specialized running store. They are much more knowledgeable and will let you run up and down the sidewalk outside their store while watching your feet strike the concrete and note if you may or may not have problems with that particular shoe. Starting out right is so important, trying to save money with the discount store brand now will cost you dearly in your training and future as a walker or runner. I would say most people stop running because they begin a program and then suffer a small injury, sore knee or knees, calf soreness, ankle strains or soreness, and they stop their training and never start back up again. Yes I've had shin splints and they are not fun.

Ladies and gentleman, whatever you do start slowly, one run is not the end of the trail. A 13.1 mile mini does not end after only 1 mile. Its a long journey and the best way to enjoy it is to pace yourself and run injury free. Runners train with the mindset of LSD. Let's talk about that tomorrow and no it's not drugs, we're talking health here.


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