Friday, November 18, 2011

Hooked up at chemo

Started late today, 11:30. It takes me awhile, I decided since I work til 4 am, why do you schedule your chemo for 9 am, duh????? Now I got this down.

Blood work was good. Platelets were 211, alk phos still 105, normal is 25 to 125 in case you forgot. So all is good, praying for continued healing.

Just thinking today about healing and attitude. I have chemo scheduled for 12/30 and we should bring in party hats and horns for New Years eve. FUN AND ALL. Then I said " are we not taking this seriously? " , I mean we're dealing with cancer here. But then I said "maybe that's why we're having some success, because the cancer knows we're not scared of it." Just wondering.

Well, probably about another 20 mins and we're out of here for 2 weeks.

Thanks for your listening ears and your shoulders to lean on. God Bless, Captain

1 comment:

  1. Hey, who knows? Maybe I could be in there getting my chemo on New Years' Eve too. Then we could really party and rock the place. LOL!

