Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday of training

Yesterday, Saturday, I awoke to the wife frying corn meal mush and sausage, so I didn't run early.  We then took the convertible to Lafayette running some errands and enjoying the day.  And no I didn't run later in the day.

This morning I jogged the whole 1.7 miles, it was cloudy, almost misty and about 67 degrees.  Felt good, I wanted to stop a few times but I didn't.  Then went to church and gave the congregation an update, instead of hearing rumors from others. So there you go, I have to stay on course to reach my goal of next years Mini Marathon.

Tomorrow I'm going to help my son do some yard landscaping at his house, than it is getting hotter the next few days but I'm planning of jogging tomorrow sometime.

Tuesday is another scope test, so I probably won't be running.  I want to thank you for your prayers and thoughts.  I'm talking to people I didn't know 2 weeks ago and I know doors are being opened.

God Bless you all, Captain

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