I should tell you about becoming pretty emotional at church yesterday. Now, you should know that there is a part of me that wants to push others to action, and I thought this was a good time. Also, perhaps a witness for our God, who created us and cancer is no problem for him.
I hadn't been to church for awhile, and I felt the need to thank other members for their prayers, etc and give them an up to minute update. For instance, the bulletin, stated prayers for me because of possible liver cancer. ( I didn't get the news on Monday, the 20th, nor could they have known about the tests and results from Weds. the 22nd )
So at the end of the service during the benediction I went forward to make my announcement. Our minister knew I was going forward, but didn't know what I was going to do. I should say that my rock solid wife came down and stood beside me. He may not want me coming forward again..LOL
- I started with, " I wanted to thank all of them for their prayers and cards, they mean a lot to me and my wife. I could feel doors being opened to me, because of those prayers.
- "I said " On Monday of this past week my DR. told me I had liver cancer." ( the tears were now beginning to run ) The medical profession normally believes that cancer does not start in the liver, but ends up there by transfer from other areas of your body, so that now we are undergoing tests to look for the source. " I told them, " On Weds. of this week I had an upper GI and a Colonscopy, looking for problems in the esophagus, stomach and colon. The results were no cancer in those areas, I was clear from my mouth to here." ( I pointed downward, and got some laughter, tears are flowing ) I told them, " The next test is another scope into the pancreas looking for cancer, and there was lots of apprehension there, because Pancreatic cancer is pretty nasty stuff."
- Then, " Now I have a request, This is the traditional service, and I want to go back to the Old Testament and I don't want this to be time consuming, but I would request a laying on of the hands. Those of you who are able and willing, please come forward. " I said, " I don't think I can walk down this path alone, I need to feel your strength and your love for me and my wife. We know that God can heal all things, that this is nothing to him, we're in the fear of the unknown. "
Well, I wasn't paying that close of attention, but I would say that about 95% of the people came forward, and of course they all could get their hands on me, but I'm sure not 1 person didn't feel the strength flowing through them at that moment. It was a very emotional time for me, and others said they needed that. Whether for me or for themselves, we all need more then just "lip" service once in awhile. Just perhaps it made some small changes in attitudes, somehow brought us all a little closer to God, even if only for a few moments. Knowing that you can influence your own churches in small ways, think outside the box. Some people thanked me for being so open about it, I can't fight this alone, I need their help and all of you.
I'm not telling you this because of my being such a great Christian, far from it, but there are many ways to witness. I don't know why I have cancer, trust me I never would have expected it in 100 years. My parents are still both relatively health and alive ( 89 and 86) But evidently God sees a purpose for this path, perhaps it is some kind of witness maybe thru the church, maybe some other way. It's time for us all to stand up and not be ashamed that we know and worship God.
Obviously, this was very emotional for me, and I'm alone today ( wife is at work ) and I wanted to share it again. Sorry for the length.
God Bless and could prayers tomorrow with this new test... Captain
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten to pray for you. I'm asking God to give you "new parts" wherever needed and a closer walk with Him through this experience. Genola and I prayed for you specifically for today's test.
P.S. Ran a little too far this morning for the heat/humidity.