Thursday, June 30, 2011

Not doing much today

Resting today, counting Sunday I have jogged 4.7 miles, so looking at the big picture of not running too far too fast a rest day is good here.  Will probably walk some.

Trying to contact my family Dr to ask " Who is in charge of me now, him or has he already passed my off to Dr. F?"   Trying to get this show on the road and get some treatment going.

So don't know much more, but pushing.

Thanks for the prayers, God Bless Captain

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday Training run

Not much today, jogged 1.5 at a faster pace.  Not wearing a watch, but I got the breathing in sync and know the jog became a fast pace.

Still riding high on yesterday's news, waiting on the next step.

God Bless and thanks to all, Captain

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday after the Test

It's about 2 PM and I am home from the Endoscopic treatment in the search for cancer.  I want you all to know how good God is and the power of prayer.

They found NO, NONE, NADA cancer in the pancreas, the doctor looked at other organs as far as she could go, and found nothing.  I think she took some tissue from the stomach lining to biopsy just as a double check to last weeks scope.  Again she saw nothing, she just did it while she was there.

Don't know the next step, I think an appt with one of the Doctors and then to the Oncologist, but not for sure.  We know I'm a little not normal, so I may be the one with cancer starting in the liver.

Again, thank you so much for the prayers, but we can still treat the liver thru prayer and show the Doctors a thing or two about the Great Healer ----- God.

God Bless and thank you a million times, Captain

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday of Training

Rain early so I didn't do any landscaping with my son. Rain quit and I jogged 1.5 miles @ around 11AM.  Felt ok, but am not pushing it.  No run tomorrow because of the " Endoscopic Ultrasound "scheduled for 9 AM. 

I should tell you about becoming pretty emotional at church yesterday.  Now, you should know that there is a part of me that wants to push others to action, and I thought this was a good time.  Also, perhaps a witness for our God, who created us and cancer is no problem for him.

I hadn't been to church for awhile, and I felt the need to thank other members for their prayers, etc and give them an up to minute update.  For instance, the bulletin, stated prayers for me because of possible liver cancer. ( I didn't get the news on Monday, the 20th, nor could they have known about the tests and results from Weds. the 22nd )

So at the end of the service during the benediction I went forward to make my announcement.  Our minister knew I was going forward, but didn't know what I was going to do.  I should say that my rock solid wife came down and stood beside me.  He may not want me coming forward again..LOL

  • I started with, " I wanted to thank all of them for their prayers and cards, they mean a lot to me and my wife.  I could feel doors being opened to me, because of those prayers.
  • "I said " On Monday of this past week my DR. told me I had liver cancer."  ( the tears were now beginning to run )  The medical profession normally believes that cancer does not start in the liver, but ends up there by transfer from other areas of your body, so that now we are undergoing tests to look for the source. "  I told them, " On Weds. of this week I had an upper GI and a Colonscopy, looking for problems in the esophagus, stomach and colon. The results were no cancer in those areas, I was clear from my mouth to here."  ( I pointed downward, and got some laughter, tears are flowing )  I told them, " The next test is another scope into the pancreas looking for cancer,  and there was lots of apprehension there, because Pancreatic cancer is pretty nasty stuff."  
  • Then, " Now I have a request,  This is the traditional service, and I want to go back to the Old Testament and I don't want this to be time consuming, but I would request a laying on of the hands.  Those of you who are able and willing, please come forward. "  I said, " I don't think I can walk down this path alone, I need to feel your strength and your love for me and my wife.  We know that God can heal all things, that this is nothing to him, we're in the fear of  the unknown. "

Well, I wasn't paying that close of attention, but I would say that about 95% of the people came forward, and of course they all could get their hands on me, but I'm sure not 1 person didn't feel the strength flowing through them at that moment.  It was a very emotional time for me, and others said they needed that.  Whether for me or for themselves, we all need more then just "lip" service once in awhile.  Just perhaps it made some small changes in attitudes, somehow brought us all a little closer to God, even if only for a few moments.  Knowing that you can influence your own churches in small ways, think outside the box.  Some people thanked me for being so open about it, I can't fight this alone, I need their help and all of you.

I'm not telling you this because of my being such a great Christian, far from it, but there are many ways to witness.  I don't know why I have cancer, trust me I never would have expected it in 100 years.  My parents are still both relatively health and alive ( 89 and 86)  But evidently God sees a purpose for this path, perhaps it is some kind of witness maybe thru the church, maybe some other way.  It's time for us all to stand up and not be ashamed that we know and worship God.

Obviously, this was very emotional for me, and I'm alone today ( wife is at work ) and I wanted to share it again.  Sorry for the length.

God Bless and could prayers tomorrow with this new test...  Captain                                                                                                                                    

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday of training

Yesterday, Saturday, I awoke to the wife frying corn meal mush and sausage, so I didn't run early.  We then took the convertible to Lafayette running some errands and enjoying the day.  And no I didn't run later in the day.

This morning I jogged the whole 1.7 miles, it was cloudy, almost misty and about 67 degrees.  Felt good, I wanted to stop a few times but I didn't.  Then went to church and gave the congregation an update, instead of hearing rumors from others. So there you go, I have to stay on course to reach my goal of next years Mini Marathon.

Tomorrow I'm going to help my son do some yard landscaping at his house, than it is getting hotter the next few days but I'm planning of jogging tomorrow sometime.

Tuesday is another scope test, so I probably won't be running.  I want to thank you for your prayers and thoughts.  I'm talking to people I didn't know 2 weeks ago and I know doors are being opened.

God Bless you all, Captain

Friday, June 24, 2011

Enough is Enough

Now where was I in the training thing?

Today I said that it was time to get back with it.  I walked and jogged the 1.7 mile course.  Probably jogged around 1.25, that's a guess.  I've decided to run this cancer into the ground instead of my friend John.  So's you can relax John.  Thanks to all for the prayers and thoughts I can feel them working in my life. 

This morning I talked to a 41 year man who last year was diagnosed with liver cancer and esophagus cancer.  He told me about his journey and what he did.  He says he is now in complete remission.  Will be researching what he said.

God Bless, Captain

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday's Tests

Update on where we are on the Cancer battle.  Yesterday I had a colonoscopy and upper GI ( they call it something else I think ).  They both showed no, that's NO, signs of cancer in the colon, or stomach or throat or wherever they looked.  That's great news I think.

I have another scope scheduled for Tuesday the 28th to look into the Pancreas.  The general medical thought it that cancer usually does not just show up in the liver.  It moves to the liver from elsewhere in the body, and that is why we're looking for the source.  This is in order to know how to treat the cancer and how far along it might be.

I have some errands to run but this PM am looking forward to walking again and maybe a jog over the week end.

If anyone reading this had tried or has experience into alternative cancer treatments, such as natural stuff from the earth, herbs, roots, etc.  I would love to hear from you.  I'm just thinking of  a more natural way to treat this..... than, poison ( chemo ), burn ( radiation ) or slash ( surgery ).

Cancer is no problem for God, and I appreciate all the prayers that I know are helping every minute of every day.

God Bless, Captain

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bad News/Good News

I have liver cancer of some sort.  We are running additional tests to try and determine if there is any more cancer elsewhere.  The Doctor said that normally liver cancer just does not start and show up there, it starts other places like the stomach or the pancreas.  Although the CAT scan did not show any other problem areas.

So I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Weds, then an upper GI, we're looking inside these organs for problems.  After that we will decide how to treat the cancer problem, whether by chemo pills, or surgery.

Got to go give some more blood, see you later

God Bless and thanks for the prayers, Captain

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Talked with the Doctor's Office

I have an appt. with the Doctor on Monday, June 20th, at 11:15 am for the results of the liver biopsy, and hopefully what the next action will be.

So living on pins and needles here.  Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless, Captain

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not Training very much

Went to Knoxville, TN area over the weekend and didn't run.  The wife and I walked 1.6 miles on both Sat. and Sunday morning.  Luckily it was not straight uphill and downhill, but the out section was slightly downhill and then back to the house of pretty much all slightly uphill.  I forget how flat Indiana is.  We got back Monday afternoon, today is Wednesday.

To all my friends, I have not heard anything on the liver biopsy, so I can't say anything, because it would be speculation.  So I'm waiting just like everybody else, after the CAT scan my doctor called early in the morning, so I'm expecting that again, hopefully tomorrow or Friday.  I guess no news is somewhat good news, as they're not rushing me to surgery to get any cancer out.  Still praying here and appreciate your prayers.

Mentally I'm kind of in a funk and have not jogged any, I know if I just put forth the effort I would feel better, but I don't have any motivation right now.  Hope you understand.

God Bless, and thanks again, Captain

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 26 of Training

Today, the day after, I took it easy.  I walked 1.7 miles early, much cooler weather and cloudy.

I thought about jogging, but walked instead.  Yesterday, after the biopsy, they kept me in Recovery for 4 hours in order to make sure there was no internal bleeding.  So, common sense says, why jog and shake, rattle and roll that liver for 1.7 miles.  I have plenty of time for training.

That's about it, feeling fine, no soreness to speak of.  Tomorrow Friday thru Monday we are traveling to Knoxville to visit my wife's sisters who are going to be together for the first time in who knows how long.  There are 3 sisters, in case that was confusing.  So I probably won't be jogging, again why push anything at this point.

See you later, God Bless, Captain

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update on biopsy

Today I had the biopsy on whatever my internal problem was that I have mentioned.  Once at the Hospital I found out I was having a Liver Biopsy, which surprised me because I thought my Family Doctor explained it as outside the liver. But no, nothing is easy.

So we went back under the CAT scanner because he wanted be accurate with the needles.  I was under a local anesthetic because he wanted me to co-operate with him, ha,ha,ha,ha.  He was a very nice guy and had a sense of humor so I was very comfortable with the situation.

We went into the left lobe of the liver,  I saw the CAT scan and this area was discolored from the other normal side of the liver. Also learned that you can live without this side of the liver if it has to be removed. So now we wait for the results, he said it normally takes 5 working days, so we're looking at middle of next week.

Thanks for the prayers, God Bless, Captain

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 25 of Training

Today I just walked about 1 mile, worn shorts, took phone in pocket, but carried water.  It was humid and about 82 degrees @ 10:30 am.  Eating a nice piece of cantaloupe now, very tasty.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, won't be doing anything, will post late in the day.

God Bless, Captain

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 24 of Training

Jogged early today, like 7 am, nice @ 65 degrees, distance was 1.3.  So if you add yesterdays 1.7 it equals 3 miles since my rest day on Sat.  You can see how it adds up quickly once you start increasing the distance.  Last week was 5.5 so you can see how I have to plan the rest of the week to hit around the 7 mile mark and not too much.

Still waiting on the Dr. to schedule the biopsy.  I should say to anyone reading, that the blood work last done on 5/24 shows my liver is working just fine, so I don't think this mass problem is affecting anything other than it is there, and seems to be growing slowly on it's own.  So I'm really not too concerned about cancer at this point, but common sense tells me that it is going to have to be removed.  a) you can't let it continue to grow on it's own, b) if it stays there it may turn into cancer over time.  So having never had surgery, that is creating some minor apprehension.

I'm not really writing about this every day because it is one my mind 24/7, but just to share my thoughts and what I know that maybe hasn't been said before.

God Bless, Captain

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 23 of Training

If there's really anybody reading, yes, I played hooky yesterday and did not run.  This morning early I jogged 1.7 miles to and around the park.  Humid already, around 70 degrees.  My legs felt very heavy, thighs and calves, but I didn't stop to walk, made it the whole way. 

Will jog tomorrow on my normal Monday off, since I missed Saturday.  It doesn't matter what day you take off, and you are perfectly capable of switching them around.  You can run 3 days and 3 days, or 2 and 4 or whatever.  Even 5 days a week is fine.  Rest is good.

Last week I jogged 5.5 miles total just to keep track.  The week before is was little over 6 miles but that included the walking, so we're ok.  Next week would be fine at 7 or so.

We'll see, God Bless, Captain

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 22 of Training

I ran real early today, jogged I should say.  About 1 mile, just keeping loose and using the muscles from the longer run yesterday.  It was cool, cloudy 64 degrees and no traffic.

The Doctor called earlier with the results from the CAT scan, I have an inflammation of the left lobe of the liver for some reason.  The next step is a biopsy, with a needle being inserted to draw out fluid and try to determine why.  And so we go through the process to determine the right fix.  Now waiting on that call for an appointment.

So your health is important, don't take it so lightly.  Once again listen to your body, whether running listening for soreness or pain, or other problems during the rest of your day.

God Bless, Captain

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 21 for Training

Today was a good day, cloudy, cooler 71 when I hit the streets.  I jogged 1.7 miles, felt good, got the breathing going after a warm up of about 1/2 mile, and felt I increased my speed without trying.  Get in the zone.  Everything felt good.

My mind wanted me to walk during certain points, but I overruled and jogged the whole way.  I didn't wear a watch, but it would have been interesting to see the time.  The problem is, once you press start on the stopwatch, you automatically run faster, and you keep glancing down at your watch to see how your doing.  Remember, slow base building.  LSD  Long slow distance.

Tomorrow will probably around a 1.3 jog, then 1.7 again on Saturday.

Waiting on the Doctor to call with some CAT scan results.

God Bless, Captain

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 20 of Training

First, I have to say " Happy 43rd Wedding Anniversary " to my wife.  You can't leave that part of your life out of any training program, or anything else for that matter.

I walked 1.3 miles today, no particular reason.  I just wanted let my inner body get back in sync again.

This morning I had an abdominal CAT scan done and had to drink that yucky stuff that lights up your intestines for them to see more clearly.  I have been having a mild discomfort running horizontally just under my ribs for about 5 weeks, it just didn't feel right.  Like something was growing and it shouldn't.  My Doctor said there was no heartbeat and I was greatly relieved over that.  But we decided that we should take a look and see what is what.  I might know the results tomorrow and then the next step can be determined.  So anyways, my stomach and intestines have been rumbling and growling all day, so I thought a walk would be good.

It was still hot, but the humidity was not so high, so all and all it was a nice day.

So not much to add at this point, will let you know.

God Bless, Captain