The procedure is scheduled for tomorrow at 12 Noon, Hopefully all will be good after that.
I had a pretty good day yesterday, appetite is definably coming back. But behind my back Doctors are conferring and looking at my X-rays, etc.
Yesterday at the end of the day ( 4:20 ) I was waiting on a refrigerator repairman to call or show up, a Dr. Fogle from IU called me directly. I was familiar with him as he had done a colonoscopy, and an upper GI last summer looking for sources of cancer in my body besides just the liver. Anyways, he had received an email from Dr. House ( surgeon ) who is on vacation to look at my recent bile duct x-rays. They both felt that an ECRP was needed asap, not an emergency, but soon.
You say what is an ERCP. Here is a ERCP link. Remember we've been talking about this possible constriction area where my bile duct gets pretty narrow. They believe that is causing all the problems, bile backup, allowing the bacteria to form, causing the temperatures and the shakes and chills. The procedure will correct all that. This extra tube still protruding from my body, and the drainage bag. This procedure would allow an up close look at the problem ( with the microscopic camera ) they can then send down a tool kit and repair and fix the problem at the same time.
It is done as an outpatient procedure, but I would be out under a general anesthetic, not a local. So it would probably take about 6-7 hours total.
I do not have a firm date of when it will occur, waiting on a call back from the Doctor's office to confirm, I will let you know with an update, should know this AM.
Oh, and the refrigerator needs a new compressor, around $600.00, hopefully might be fixed late this afternoon.
Oh, I finally received my first disability check. Are you ready for this? They are paying at a rate of less than $ 10 per day. So for a 5 day work week, I am getting $ 45.00. Is that a joke or what? I called them yesterday and told them what I thought of their plan.
But the insurance is fantastic. I received the insurance payout report from my ins. carrier, I owe nothing $ 0, on my bill for the hospital stay for this operation, and nothing to the surgeon. So for that I am forever grateful.
Got to go take some antibiotic and wait on the Dr's. call, See you later.
Thanks for all you do, God Bless, Captain
Hang in there Grover and keep us posted! Extra prayers coming your way!