You may say where have you been? We're waiting, and waiting for an update, what's up? Why no updates? As you can see I,m repeating myself...... I'm sitting at this laptop and falling asleep, and then have to figure out where I am. Don't ever change your password during a period that allows you to change passwords while pushing buttons for pain relief.
I'm sitting in a chair typing this. I'm standing up to urinate, multiple times during the night, I'm walking the hallways to regain strength. I'm taking a break, I'm just to spacy.
But, all my numbers are fine, I'm good physically, I can't concentrate
See you in a little while
Rev. Deadeye
Yay! Glad to hear that you are up and about! Just wondering, what color of socks are you wearing? And, have you fallen in the last 6 months? LOL!
So glad to hear your news. Unfortunately, the pain meds make you sleepy. I slept most of the first 3 days after my first surgery.
DeleteBut I am so glad to hear you are walking and sitting! Keep it up!
I'm sorry, Jerry, but you are making me laugh!!! This is SO reminiscent of my surgery. One of my friends kept an email I sent him and every year on my anniversary he brings it out to tease me with. Obviously I had a lot of drugs in my system when I wrote that email!!! Walk, walk, walk!!! And know that the same drugs that make you loopy also make you cranky. Tell your daughter it's not you, it's the drugs!!!! Every day will get better. Sounds like you are doing GREAT!!! Sue