Liver is functioning great, Alk Phos number was 111, still within the normal range, platelets, and all else were good. Chemo went fine, got to sit and talk with Cindy from Monrovia who is battling the same disease and we're both using the same Dr's at IU. Both diagnosed about the same time so we're like buddy's fighting this together to conquer and win against this evil disease.
The Dr's ( Oncologist and surgeon ) have discussed my case, looking at past CT scans and have decided that once again I'm not normal. First to even get such a rare disease, and now my insides are put together in such away that the Liver pump is not really an option. Something about needing to place to put the pump inside the body, and the way the arteries and veins are hooked up won't allow it to operate properly. And that is OK with me, because I really wasn't to hip on the idea at this time. I mean the chemo is working and the tumor is shrinking why change now?
But they are cautiously optimistic on some future possibilities. I don't want to even talk about them now, because of the chance of setbacks down the road. We are trying to temper excitement with reality.
But know this, God is working with me every step of the way, and healing is taking place that just is not expected with this cancer. Of course this cancer has it's own website and discussion board, I'm talking with people who have the cancer, with children who's parents have this cancer, and parents trying to help their children through this battle. It is very emotional because we have recently lost 4 people who were diagnosed just this summer like myself. I'm now reading about a 46 year man, diagnosed this summer and getting ready to go into Hospice. It is not a good cancer to have.
And that is why I have to praise God and thank him for being with me and the healing that has occurred. I truly believe we are seeing a miracle take place here on God's timetable. I don't know why me? But, if you sometimes have problems believing there is a God out there that works in your everyday live, think of me, and what is happening.
If you want to follow more, the website is
go to patient support and choose discussion boards.
Sorry if I got religious on some of you, but I'm here today because God is watching over me.
Thanks for your prayers, God Bless you all, Captain
I think about you every day and am so glad to hear how well you are doing. I am still hoping that one day we can meet! (Not sure if this will post my name, but this is Sue from Indy. I have emailed with your daughter Suzanne a couple times too.) I was diagnosed in December 2006 and had surgery so I am almost 5 years in "remission". You sound so positive and I think you have to in order to get through this. Know that God is looking out for you. I wish you only the best. Sue