I've been away for a few days trying to intelligently comprehend what I saw on my roof the other day, and what I had to do afterwards.
You'll be glad to know that I walked to the Post Office yesterday, the rain was over, still kind of balmy and I got some exercise, yeh............ Well as I was within 1 block of our house I noticed this large bird flying overhead, kind of like circling the area. I was a little confused, first by the size of the bird, and second what was that hanging from it's beak. First thing I thought of was some large bird migrating south for the winter and trying to eat it's prey while flying. But no it just kept circling the block, and I soon lost track of it, because I was watching traffic.
As I approached my house I happened to glance up at the roof and there was the bird standing beside my chimney, still with that thing in it's mouth. I looked around for something to throw in that direction in an effort to chase it away. I found some sticks on the ground that had been dislodged from the trees during the recent storms and picked up a few. Finally when I got the throwing range dialed in I started hiting the chimney and the roof in the area of that bird. It would not leave the roof. It would fly above the chimney to a height of about 15 to 20 feet and then return. I then noticed that the thing in it's mouth was not some prey, but a blue cloth hanging there with some type of a bundle inside the cloth.
Now I was getting worried. I got out the ladder, because I was going to have to climb up on the roof and shew it away, or find out what the heck was going on. You know how that goes, first I had to clean up part of the garage to get the ladder out of there. Then get it set up against a lower part of the roof so I could actually climb up on the roof. As I got up there and got closer to the bird I finally noticed that it was a stork, and of course it couldn't be bringing anything to this house. I mean What the HEY!!!!
The stork was by now somewhat agitated and wary of me, but I was able to talk calmly and it seemed to make a difference in the storks demeanor. As I slowly worked my way closer to the stork, I noticed a small piece of paper attached to the side of the cloth pouch. I finally got close enough to read the letters that were on the paper, and it was for an address 4 blocks south of me and 2 blocks west. HOLY COW was I getting the heebie jeebies until then. I told the stork to turn in her old GPS and get a new one and sent her on her way...................... The end.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, did I have you going for awhile.....
Of course I made that all up, well, I did really walk to the Post Office. I'm doing great and haven't had anything to post so I had to let you know I'm still here and doing fine. I'm still trying to figure out if I can make it has a writer when I can't do anything else. Still have a sense of humor, have a nice day.
God Bless, Captain
PS, The Dr. said we are moving in the right direction, keep doing what we're doing. So keep the prayers and thought coming when you get a chance. And I thank you and my family thanks you.
might want to consider the direct port as the chemo seems to have gotten to your mind?...HAHA