Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Jog in the books

Jogged about a mile today, speeding up about 1/2 thru just for the heck of it.  Felt fine.  Then ate my organic cereal and 2 pcs of toast with strawberry preserves.  Yum, Yum.  I know good food, not so good food.  Oh well, doesn't trying count for anything.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am not the kind of person who says " the sky is falling, the sky is falling "  but I also believe in looking around and noticing the world around us.  The financial condition of it is what I mean today. The government is out of control, only the rich are getting richer, today we're talking averting another government shutdown again.  There is a web site I like to visit couple of times a week, you might think they are over the top.  http://www.fedupusa.org/  Just read the first article on big banks, and that we aren't going to make it to Nov. 2012 in any way shape or form like today's way of living.

Now I owned my own business for 20 years, and I'm a big believer in if you can't run it successfully, than it should fail.  Nobody should give you more money so you can fail again.  But that is what our government has done with the big banks.  The rich get richer. I'm not better off now than in 2007, food costs more, gas costs more and it's not getting better.

The point of this is a warning to my friends who may have IRA's or money in the stock market.  Try to come to the right decision to get most of your investments into cash.  I'm not saying to close out the account altogether, but just cash so you at least protect that.  If you have $ 300,000 or whatever in stocks and the market start falling you could get hurt really bad.  In the next year your money is not going to become $ 500,000, I know we want to stay in cause we are greedy and think it will only go up.  But look at the market over the last month,  400 point swings on a daily basics is not a stable market.  You could wake up and your $ 300,000 could only be worth $ 75,000.

Now I'm no market guru, but I feel I have to at least warn you all of the possibility's.  If this turns out to be true, you still have your $ 300,000 no more, but no less.  I would feel bad if I at least didn't mention the possibility.  We all know to be cautious of being robbed, mugged and attacked on dark streets.  We may have to take a longer route home, but isn't it safer than the alternative.  Same thing with your money and retirement.

Be careful out there with your money, cause the government will change the rules and take all of it.

Enough, didn't mean to scare anybody, but let's all open our eyes and read the signs before us.

God Bless, Captain

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