Sunday, August 14, 2011

2.5 Miles in the books, Finally

More later, got to shower and get to church.  Back to finish, and I wasn't even going to run today.  Why, because I had 3 showers yesterday and I was tired of showers.  I know kind of a funky reason, but it was working until I woke up @ 6:30 AM on Sunday morning and it was 64 degrees, overcast to light fog and I said today is the day.

OK, so you think this is not a big deal, but I have been trying to reach this distance for a couple of weeks now and I finally did.   The fact that this was so hard for me was a combination of factors.  The heat was terrible but I was still trying.  I think even though I have been preaching LSD ( long, slow, distance ) I was probably jogging to fast.  Also, in thinking back, I kept having trouble continuing the run and perhaps my breathing and building up the lungs to support running had not come back as fast as I anticipated.

The weather was better, I started off slower and continued at that pace, and that did not tax the breathing so badly.  In the past my mental state during the run just kept saying..... why don't you stop and walk, just walk the rest of the way, and finally my body gave into the mental side of getting to the end.  Well today all factors worked towards completing the whole 2.5 mile distance.  I really was starting to set a real mental block against that distance, but now that I'm there, the rest will be  But now I know I can do it.

I have lots of time, there is no rush, just slow and steady, the end goal is what's important not any one day of trouble.   NEVER GIVE UP....... that's where I'm going.

Special note today, Please remember those killed and injured at our Indiana State Fair last night.  Praises to all those who helped to free the injured who were trapped under the stage rigging.  God Bless you all,  Captain

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