Today was Sunny, 72 degrees, just beautiful. I walked the original route today, 1 mile, no jogging, rest everything after pushing a little the last 2 days. Remember, we have lots of joints involved here, toes, ankles, knees, hips, that are going to be taking a pounding the next year; and they all have to work right in order to succeed.
I wanted to try and add an image here, guess it worked. I'm the one in the gray stocking hat, and I guess my time is no longer a secret since you can see 45:35. This was for my 5 Mile race in Feb of 2010. I ran this with my friend John who finished out of the picture and didn't look so winded. I'm not sure I could have run another mile, so this distance and time was pushing my training at this point. This gives you some idea of what the next year is going have to look like in order to run 13.1 miles @ a 9 min. pace. Yes, that is my goal. Finish right at 2 hours.
That's why I keep harping on this slow " base building" to get to your goal. Really, I can't imagine running 6 miles anytime soon let alone 13, as I'm only walking 1.7 at the most. But it's " baby steps". First you have to crawl before you can walk.......... It takes time and it's much better injury free.
You might think with running you will suffer a lot of injuries as much I talk about them. But that is not true. You suffer injuries and soreness when trying to go too far too fast which slow your training down and it get's frustrating after a while. So slow is the way.
Well, I've got some yard work to do, bought tomato stakes this morning for when they are taller.
So take it easy and see you tomorrow.
God Bless, Captain
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